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Saturday, May 17, 2014

PS4 Still on top...Xbox 1 struggles

The PS4 continues to outsell the XBox 1. There is a lot of speculation as to why, but I would gather that Microsoft's initial missteps and negative press had much to do with it as well as this being the first time Xbox cost more than PlayStation.
The announcement stands to isolate the people who flocked to the Xbone first. At this time Microsoft has not announced any plans to compensate them with anything, not even a few Microsoft bucks.  I think that is a bad move. You can't keep flip flopping to appease people who really weren't on board with your product in the first place. What they should do is make the kinect such an integral part of your gaming/entertainment experience that you don't mind the $100 extra. If your selling point was not only do we want gamers, but we want to be an entertainment system,  do that. Push the angles you have. Sony pushed hard that they weren't about entertainment and it worked. Xbox has a strong list of games coming, they should have focused there. I think they can recover, but they really need a marketing refresher course. .or just ask Sony. The biggest issue was them trying to step away from the 360...the xbox 1 should have been a continuation of the 360 like the 4 was a continuation of the 3. They played themselves and better hope they can redeem themselves. I think its a solid system,  but the flip flopping, lack of exclusives at launch and failure to reward early adopters has turned me off a bit.

Sony did all those things right. Maybe they will be number one for a bit.

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