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Friday, May 9, 2014

I want the iron throne


So there is a Game of Thrones video game, but it sucks. You can't play as any of the main protagonist. In my mind I have all the concepts laid out. I'd want it to be as free world as Skyrim. Character involvement like Dragon Age. Choices..lots of them...perfect scenery. Most importantly I want to pick who I play.

He is my favorite. I love King Robb(may he rest in peace) I would love a game where he can live...fight for the throne. He was well on his way to taking it anyway. I would be thrilled to see him complete the journey and, you know, keep his head.

It would be interesting to play as this nutcase. Could he rise to the task of being king. I do not think so, but it would be interesting to play as him and try.

I loved Ned. He was extremely sensible. I would love to play out what would have happened had he had the chance to find 'The Targaryan Girl'.

Jon Snow. Lord Snow. Royal Bastard. He knows nothing, but he knows a lot. I would love to play as him. Not to make him sit on the throne, but have him rise to command in the nights watch and maybe help his brother or father rise to the iron throne.

The rightful Queen. Mother of Dragons: Dany. She is awesome. With or without the little fire breathing buggers. Playing as her would be absolutely fantastic. Especially if you could command the dragons.

There are many other people it would be worth controlling to make your own world of GoT. Littlefinger, Tywin, Sansa..maybe give her a backbone, Arya..the list goes on. But everyone can't be an option. It'd be col if they gave you a core of 10 to pick from and your dialogue choices effect how some of the support characters react. Like make a proposition to Bolton to make him Lord of Winterfell once you have the throne and see who he kills. It would be an involved game, surely, but so worth it to play out the 'what if' that is experienced every time something disastrous happens on the show or in the books(if you haven't read them, please do).

I doubt it will happen, but one can hope.

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