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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Atari comeback????

Atari wants back into the market. But probably not how you think. We remember centipede and the other classic games,  but gaming has majorly evolved. Is there a place for Atari? New CEO, Frederic Chesnais, thinks so. He wants to remind everyone that Atari does more than make software. He isn't thinking new console though. One idea he tossed out was a jacket with the built in ability to charge your phone or other device. His other idea- a watch..a gamified watch he called it. Would it sell? Possibly. He recently bought a large share of the company that he has been involved with for years. He says they are not going tomjust make tshirts. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, he can do to make Atari a household name again.

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