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Monday, June 9, 2014

Mass Effect 4..First Look

Well Bioware is having a great E3. They said they had 2 objectives: Give a tease of Mass Effect 4... blow everyone away with Dragon Age Inquisition

This first look has me intrigued.  I wondered what they would do.  Seeing some of the planet designs. .awesome. I expect greatness honestly. I hope we can explore some of the lesser characters home worlds, like the Vorcha and the Yang.. even the Elcor could use more attention.  Then for those of us who had Tali find her new home planet,  I'd love to see how that coming.  Is she still wearing the mask or did Bioware actually make her a face? So many questions. . But I'm digging it so far..are you?


  1. I kind of hate mass effect. I never beat the first one

  2. That's a serious personality flaw as well as blasphemy. Maybe you need to start over. .. do some mediating and then play. I'm here to help you with any part you get stuck on. I can't stand someone not seeing this game for its greatness. Next you'll be saying that Alistair wasn't a great Grey Warden. No but seriously. . Try again. Maybe start with ME2, which is the best in the side IMHO
