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Monday, June 30, 2014

Confirmed: Characters in Dragon Age will have more of a range....keep invites?

So I reached out to Mike Laidlaw and asked him about the lack of cold range for characters and he said that we will have more ME like options in

I asked him about the keep, which will be how we transport our saves to the new game. It's an interesting way to set things up. ... run the scenario you had through the computer and have it register to your game. Having played DA:O several times, I'd be curious to see how that plays out.

It's shaping up like DA will be decent. They are currently working on bugs. . One which made a character sound like Bane..that'd be kind of weird...and funny. I hope they don't mess this up.. but I doubt they will. They've had time and plenty of feedback to get this right.

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