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Friday, August 8, 2014

Nintendo and the repair process. ...

So i gave my youngling  a special/limited edition 3ds for Christmas.

One day, it just wouldn't turn on.  Now he's pretty responsible and I plug it in and stuff so I knew it wasn't user error. I called Nintendo and explained to them the situation. .....their immediate response was water damage we don't cover. I didn't ask you that, nor did I say it was near water. I'm calling about a power issue. Guy starts a rant and rave about how their warranty is the best. me. Well we printed the label and shipped it out on the 22nd or so. They received it on the 24th. Mind you they are in the same state. Takes a week for them to even update it to received, but I had already checked the tracking by then. It sat until the 31st with no change in status. The 1st it shows that it's in repair.  Then they email me saying there's an urgent issue. This was what I was not looking forward to.  From  what I had read, Nintendo is infamous for cop outs on the warranty.  Well their issue wasn't that, it was what color system did he want because they couldn't repair his.  Of course he was devastated because he loved that blue. In fact they only actually had 2 colors to pick from which I found kind of sad. People spend the extra money on limited editions/ special editions and are kind of screwed if nintendo can't fix it. If it's your fault that the system messed up,  fine,  but if not,  you lose. They are at least sending a factory certified instead of refurbished so at least the parts are new and the warranty is reset. One guy who lost his special edition legend of Zelda 3ds due to a motherboard issue said that was the last time he purchased one.  When he brought it up to them they said he only paid for the game, basically said the case didn't matter. I'm not sure I totally agree with that. People have preferences for a reason. I'm not sure what they could do to fix that, but may be something they want to look into.  Overall I think they have one of the  better warranties,  but the execution leaves much to be desired. 

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