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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Abilities. ..we've got TONS

  1. Mike Laidlaw says that your character and party will have over 200 abilities to choose from.  Top me that is awesome. Seeing  how party driven this game seems to be, it will be interesting to see what abilities compliment what. There will be the standard rouge, mage and warrior classes and  more specializations.  Laidlaw says they have focused more on specializations for this game and have  more of an effect on your chracter. I'm wondering how noticeable it will all be. I personally build spirit healers, will my focus be on that or can I throw in some extra and make her a bad ass arcane warrior who can also bring you back if you fall out somewhere? I can't wait to see. I also like playing as a rogue.  I'd be cool if  my rouge could do like the assassin in Dark Souls and flip over an enemy's back and slit their throat.  I'm also wondering how the Qunari will play in.  Their mages were......different.  will that be reflected? 

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