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Monday, July 21, 2014

strictly straight, gay or bi

The characters in Dragon Age Inquisition won't bend to your will like in Da2. There's twice as many romance options and they've covered almost every base.  Some were upset about this but Bioware's David Gaiden said that these relationships will be much more fulfilling.  He was able to create much more of a back story unique to each characters sexual orientation and gender. With at least 8 options for relationships,  I don't feel its a loss that they aren't all bisexuals.  With a game of  this magnitude, that would be a waste. I mean in life everyone we encounter has a preference. With this amount of people,  the characters can be set up that way. Instead of fixing Bioware grief, congratulate them on trying to build on the rich character experience that we all know they are capable of  making.  At least now there will  be more than just Alistair to fawn over. Hush it guys you had options. I can't see myself pining away for Ohgren.

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