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Friday, August 9, 2013

Dragon Age:Inquisition

Of course this game isn't out yet, but it should be big. Very big. Bio ware has a lot to do. They have to make up for Dragon Age 2. They have to get back to the greatness that was Dragon Age: Origins and even Dragon Age:Awakenings. Although I played the game, screw Hawke. That so messed my head up how they went form point A to point J. Anyhow..I'll go off about that mess in a review/rant about it later. Back to inquisition.
For the most part, we know Bioware still has at least a little sense left because Mass Effect 3 was a solid game,apart from the ending fiasco, it was a good solid game and thouroughly enjoyable. The addition of multiplayer made it even better. So should that give us hope for Inquisition to be a great game?

Yes.If they go back to the original formula. One thing BioWare excels at is the party concept. Dialogue choices are pretty good and there is lots of interactions. That can bring you into the story more and make you feel for the character. I will say that the way DA2 was set up I didn't feel too much for those characters. Having pre-scripted interactions didn't help at all. I hope they go back to the way it was in DA:O, you want to talk to a character, then you talk.No waiting for certain points to have options to talk become available. No clicking on them while out in the world to get a silly one line response.

What we know about DA:I so far is this:
You play as the inquisition leader. You are the last man standing from some sort of episode, a possible attack. Obviously the chantry and mages are finally at war(go mages) Orlais is in some kind of civil war, Ferelden is rebuilding adn your templars are away. By your I mean none other than Thedas. We knew it was coming. All this is happening like a decade or so after the events of DA:O I expected Thedas, as Fenris kept bringing it up between broody moments in DA@, so thats no surprise.

They are bringing back races!!This excites me. I like having the option to be a dwarf, an elf or a human. I really hope somehow there is a qunari option. I like the qunari. You also can customize your character and pick their name....goodbye Hawke!

Horses..yes!! Finally. Its supposed to be a big enough world that we can have horses to get around. They have said its not totally open world but big enough to keep us occupied. It better be. And no more recycled environments. Ever.
There will be dragons, several supposedly. Which is good when you know,the game is called dragon age. I didn't get that feel in DA2

The combat system has gotten an upgrade so that tactical players and button pushers alike can be appeased. The bad guys will even have stratigies. Should be way more interesting combat if it lives up to expectations

You can manipulate the up forts and such. Sounds awesome if I can truly sculpt things how I want them.Make stairs on a stone wall, move a tower, destroy a bridge. I am so curious about the execution of this. If its done right...the possibilities are endless.

Remember how annoying Arl Howe was? Wouldn't it have been great to just attack him and his castle? Well apparently you will be able to do things like that  and much more.

What is unclear is how old saves will play into it. We know it'll be on current and next gen systems so how will my awesome warden play into this Thedas mess? Were my Hawke's actions any good? Lots left unanswered but I'll let you know as I find out. Until then, relive the glory days with DA:O. I love that game

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