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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Titanfall 2 pre alpha

I must say I  am disappointed.  I LOVED titanfall....and while the graphics are amazing and game play is crisp, it's nothing like titanfall besides, well,  titans falling.  Wall running has been babified... There is a banking system for the win that opens and closes at random,  attrition isn't in the alpha but better be in the game...

We'll.  Try it for yourself. Prealpha is free this weekend and next... I will be streaming later... MsDarthShader on twitch/YouTube

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mass Effect Game Play

This looks really good. I'm sure I can't be the only one missing my favorite space  crew. I've been anxiously awaiting the return of ME and here it is...

May  not be a ton to go on, but still, it's something......I'm really really excited. I had a plot i wanted to see involving the turians rebuilding on their new home world along with the geth....i doubt it'll come true,  but that was such a huge part of ME for me....but I'll take whatever i can get.*with glee* Maybe the elcor will have a role in this new way but a cool npc would work. What species would you want to carry over?